Board of Trustees
TRUSTEE (at-large)
President & Vice Chair, Technological Institute of the Philippines
Academic Background: Ph.D. in Education, Major in Educational Administration (UP College of Education, 'Most Outstanding Dissertation'), MBA for Senior Executives and Professionals (Ateneo de Manila University with her thesis on 'PERAA as a Model for Multi-Employer Industry-Wide Retirement Plans'), AB Communication Arts (Maryknoll College of QC, 1973, Magna cum laude, class valedictorian and area awardee)
Professional Background: Executive Vice Pres./Senior VP/VP (Technological Institute of the Phils.), Corporate Communications Coordinator (National Steel Corp.), Information Officer (Economic Development Foundation), Publicity Dep't Staff Trainee (Editorial Labor SA, Barcelona, Spain, under the Exchange Program of International Association of Students of Sciences and Business)
* First Outstanding Participating Institution awardee of PERAA